
Exploring the Benefits of a Wireless Access Point

You get into your laptop to watch your favourite Netflix show as the kids settle down to finish their schoolwork. However, the terrible “circle of doom” eventually appears. As soon as your show begins to buffer, it will continue indefinitely unless you choose to end it. Despite paying for high-speed internet, your WiFi network is broken.

If some portions of your home have more wireless internet connection issues than others, you may need help. Having internet issues at this time could be better. Fortunately, a fantastic gadget known as a Wireless Access Point like Cisco CBW240AC may elevate the terrible connectivity to unprecedented heights.

What Is A Wireless Access Point?

The WAP is a freestanding device that connects directly to your router; you may place it wherever in your house to get the best signal strength. Using it may boost your internet signal strength and reach farther into a space, even if there are walls, furniture, or other obstacles.

Boosting your WiFi network’s bandwidth lets you connect more devices simultaneously. You can avoid constantly switching networks by installing numerous WAPs on the same network in different rooms of your house. Its primary function is to supply a WiFi network that is robust, dependable, and quick.

How Does A Wireless Access Point Work?

Various speeds, ranges, and bandwidths are available on the 5 and 2.4 GHz bands, respectively. While the 5 GHz frequency offers faster speeds with less coverage, the 2.4 GHz band provides a more comprehensive WiFi range at a slower pace.

You may effortlessly connect to the internet from any room in your home by connecting the WAP straight to the router with an ethernet or data cable. It will then receive the internet connection from one of these bandwidths and transmit its frequency.

Wireless Access Points: How Are They Useful?

Here are some benefits of using a WAP:

  • Convenience: Wireless access points (WAPs) installed anywhere in a house or company eliminate the need for users to be near a wired connection, boosting convenience. Workers’ productivity increases when they can travel freely while using their internet connection.
  • Versatility: WAPs enable several devices, such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, and more, to be used simultaneously.
  • Improved network security: WAPs help improve network security by separating the wireless network employees and visitors use. This allows you to manage who can access your WiFi network.
  • Reduced costs:Wireless access points help businesses save money compared to traditional infrastructure.
  • Easy to manage:Wireless access points are often easier to operate than wired networks because they require less maintenance and are less likely to have faults.


For smaller workplaces, Cisco offers the Business 240AC Access Point, which provides wireless access with high-density MU-MIMO (4×4). The Cisco Business 240AC offers an improved range and top-notch performance, all while keeping the user’s needs in mind during design. UseCisco’s Business 100 Series Mesh Extenders. for quick WiFi network expansion